Monday, November 27, 2006

ASAP- Phase 3 - Realization

ASAP Phase- 3 - Realization:
With the completion of the business in phase 2, "functional" experts are now ready to begin configuring SAP. The Realization phase is broken in to two parts.
1) Your SAP consulting team helps you configure your baseline system, called the baseline configuration.
2) Your implementation project team fine-tunes that system to meet all your business and process requirements as part of the fine tuning configuration.

The initial configuration completed during the base line configuration is based on the information that you provided in your blueprint document. The remaining approximately 20% of your configuration that was not tackled during the baseline configuration is completed during the fine tuning configuration. Fine tuning usually deals with the exceptions that are not covered in baseline configuration.This final bit of tweaking represents the work necessary to fit your special needs.

Configuration Testing:
With the help of your SAP consulting team, you segregate your business processes into cycles of related business flows. The cycles serve as independent units that enable you to test specific parts of the business process. You can also work through configuring the SAP implementation guide (IMG). a tool used to assist you in configuring your SAP system in a step-by-step manner.

Knowledge Transfer:
As the configuration phase comes to a close, it becomes necessary for the Project team to be self-sufficient in their knowledge of the configuration of your SAP system. Knowledge transfer to the configuration team tasked with system maintenance (that is, maintenance of the business processes after Go-live) needs to be completed at this time.
In addition, the end users tasked with actually using the system for day-to-day business purposes must be trained.


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