Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Milestones in implementing SAP Project

Implementing an ERP is a mammoth task. A lot of planning is required to implement an ERP solution successfully. One of the most important factors affecting ERP implementations is senior management support.
Lack of senior management support has been identified as an important CSF in ERP implementations. Recently, in a discussion with one SAP implementation consultant I had the opportunity to discuss the key milestones in an ERP implementation project. The key ERP implementation milestones are:

1. Business need document also called as requirement document laying down the roadmap and the benefits of the implementation.
2. Buy or Make is also a decision which senior management needs to make early on.
3. Evaluating alternate solutions takes a lot of time since today, many ERP packages are available in the market. The one which suits the enterprise's requirement has to be chosen.
4. A detailed implementation plan needs to be made along with the time schedule.
5. Resource allocation comes next, wherein management commits resources to the ERP implementation project.
6. Lastly, risk analysis needs to be undertaken on an ongoing basis to ensure that ERP implementation risks are under control.


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